Jim Says...
When I was young they advised me to
Buckle down and try harder
Keep an eye out
Keep my nose to the grind stone
Now if that wasn't enough, I was further instructed to
Keep my chin up
Bite the bullet
Keep my eye on the donut not the hole
Never spit into the wind
Don't tug on ole supermans cape
Batton down the hatches (I checked, I didn't even have 1 hatch)
Then they added
Keep a smile on my face
Never look a gift horse in the mouth
Keep a stiff upper lip
Chin back, chest out - or was it the other way
Let a sleeping dog lie
NEVER to plow when the ground was wet
While I was busy doing all that silly stuff, Life passed me by.
Buckle down and try harder
Keep an eye out
Keep my nose to the grind stone
Now if that wasn't enough, I was further instructed to
Keep my chin up
Bite the bullet
Keep my eye on the donut not the hole
Never spit into the wind
Don't tug on ole supermans cape
Batton down the hatches (I checked, I didn't even have 1 hatch)
Then they added
Keep a smile on my face
Never look a gift horse in the mouth
Keep a stiff upper lip
Chin back, chest out - or was it the other way
Let a sleeping dog lie
NEVER to plow when the ground was wet
While I was busy doing all that silly stuff, Life passed me by.
Jim Says...
Just a reminder that the Post Office knows where you live.
Jim Says...
One day while looking out for #1, I stepped in #2.
Jim Says...
I may be wrong from time to time, but I'm honest enough to lie about it.
Jim Says...
A new plan may be necessary if everything you own is either broken, worn out, recently repoed or is in the pawn shop.